Canine and Feline Behavior Specialist

Mentor and Training Offerings for Professionals or Anyone Interested in Advanced Learning
The goal of this program is to provide an opportunity for animal professionals and people interested in animals to observe and gain hands-on experience with dogs under Pia's guidance and supervision. Individuals may not state that they are trained by Pia until the criteria listed under each section without written approval of Pia.
Private Consultations - Learning More about Dealing with Aggression and Fear
This mentor program is for advanced professionals. The length of the internship and number of cases observed will vary among candidates depending on the availability of cases. This is for individuals who want to gain experience on a limited case-by-case basis or desire additional experience.
Each case is between 1.5-2.0 hours.
You will be a given a 15-minute follow-up consult with Pia to ask questions concerning each case.
Notes may be taken, but personal information or other info regarding the client is restricted.
No personal videotaping is allowed to preserve the privacy of the client.
Fee: $85 per case. If you become energized, you can upgrade to a "5-pack" - - $375 for 5 sessions, which includes a 15 minute private summary giving you a chance to ask questions.
Private Consultations - Learning More About Dealing with Aggression and Fear (monthly plan)
This mentor program is for advanced professionals. The length of the internship and number of cases observed will vary among candidates depending on the availability of cases and openings in the internship program.
This is for individuals who want to gain experience on a limited case-by-case basis or desire additional experience. The observation of cases during a quarter (consecutive three-month period) of at least 10 or more cases, up to 25 are encouraged.
Each case is between 1.5-2.0 hours (in-home and facility sessions will vary).
There is time with Pia to review each case, immediately following session.
You will be allowed to review and take notes from the client's interview form but no personal information will be given.
No videotaping will be allowed to protect the privacy of the client.
All cases are confidential and no discussion or information concrning the case may be disseminated to anyone outside the consult.
Information on local hotels will be provided.
Once the month is completed, you may be eligible to conduct interviews with clients and work with pets under Pia's direct supervision. Feedback will be given at the end of the session, as well as a review of the intern's written report to the client.
Fee for the month: $2500