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Want to learn more about dogs and cats?  Pia likes quick results and does not believe in cookbook recipes. Solving behavior problems is her speciality.
Private Behavior Consultations


Pia has worked privately with clients for over 30 years.  A private consultation includes taking a detailed history, identifying contributing factors and explaining why your pet is exhibiting the unwanted behavior.  All results include a customized program with assistace and guidance to help implement a training plan.

Dog Training Mentor - Pia


Where do you go for a mentor?  Here!  Pia has been mentoring trainers around the world for over 40 years.  Having a mentor and coach will make a huge difference in "doing it right" or simply "just doing."

One-Hour Private Dog Training Sessions



Pia offers a variety of sessions for career counseling, selecting playmates for play groups, developing a rock solid curriculum for your pet training classes, starting your own Feisty Fido(TM) training course, and more...


“Pia, author and internationally known speaker on canine training, has given some of the best trainers you can find their start.  Her five day ITC workshop was extensive, exhausting, and sent me home with things to think about for a very long time.  Those who are fortunate enough to see Pia working with dog owners soon recognize they are taking  a master class in trainer/client communication...”

Claudia Black-Kalinsky, CPDT-Ka,

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